Pygmalion - (Greek mythology) a king who created a statue of a woman and fell in love with it; Aphrodite brought the sculpture to life as Galatea
Pygmalion was a young man who has awesome talent in sculpture. His work was second to none. However, his ability is not the one that called friends and neighbours to worship him.
- If the center atrium in town is full of dirt and people are complaining, he would say "We're blessed, the other atrium is not this dirty"
- When a sculpture buyer drives a hard bargain and Pygmalion's friend whispered around about how cheap that person is, he would say "Perhaps that person have another important needs, so he has to spend wisely"
- When kids stole apples in his yard, he did not swear. Instead, he felt pity "Unfortunate for them for not having enough food and education in their homes"
That's how Pygmalion thinks. He never sees thing from the bad side, instead his mind automatically search for the positive side in everything.
One day, he is sculpturing a very smooth wooden statue of a woman. The statue has a dimension that is similar to that of real human. When the work is done, it really resembles a human being. It smiles attractively and it has body curves to die for.
His friends commented "No matter how good your statue is...it will always remain a statue. It is not your wife"
Despite those comments, Pygmalion treated the wooden statue as a real human. Countless time that he stared and touched it.
God in Mount Olympus finally noticed and somehow pay great deal of respect upon Pygmalion's efforts and decided to turn the statue into real human. Then, he lived happily ever after with his summoned wife, which legend has her as the most beautiful women in Greece.
His name is still remembered until now to represent the effect of positive thinking. When we think positively, many times the results will also end up positive.
For example.
- If we are polite to other people, then that person will also be polite toward us.
- If we treat our children as smart ones, then they will turn into smart kids.
- If we are sure that our efforts will bring results, there's big chance that results will follow
Those positive effect is called the "Pygmalion Effect"
Our minds has a strange "prophecy fulflling" function, whether positive or negative.
- When we think our neighbour is not a friend to keep, then they will act as one.
- If we regard our children dishonest, they will lie to us
- If we are desperate and think that whatever we do will be in vain, then we are not going to make it
Pygmalion's way is to think, perceive, and to hope only good things from a situation or someone.
The colour of our life is dependant to the colour of the "glasses" we put on. Life will get better if we see it better. Think positive about ourself, others, situations, and God.Good family relationship, more trustable friends and neighbours, working becomes fun, the world is friendlier, life is more beautiful is some of many results if we implant this Pygmalion factor in our mind.
So, make sure you have a Pygmalion inside.
Have a nice day!
Image by thefreedictionary
1 comment:
hi i like your idea of having this blog. i myself always try to feed my mind with positive books, movies and music. i teach my children to do so. i even have products which is goat milk soap with BHB brand, means better human being. sound funny, but that's how i want it. maybe later on i will put quotes insided of the soap boxes.
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