Dedication and Devotion

Monday, November 10, 2008

8 Most Important Thing To Have in Life

What is your orientation? Money? Family? Career? Social? It's definitely our choice to decide. However, there are 8 things that's most valuable that we need to have/achieve.

1. Health
This is the single and most important thing that a human could possibly have. The problem is, we often forget, especially when we're OK and healthy. We forget to eat well, rest well, and exercise. As of now, I'm currently writing with a dislocated knee (yes, my upper thigh and lower calf misaligned)...I got it from an indoor soccer game yesterday and boy it hurts! I can't even walk, let alone stand. I really miss my well being. To cut things short, I think health is a factor

2. Love

Continued from point 1 about health. It is amazing somehow that I'm so lucky to be blessed in this life. Theoritically, I wouldn't even think of how will I survive with my current condition. My wife really is an angel. She helped me all the way and I know it is VERY hard for her since this never happened before. I'm feeling very grateful and i think this is what love is. To have someone that cares so big and to care to that person just as much.

At this moment, I don't even dare to imagine how can I survive a second without her. No love, no life. If you find yourself having no one to love, then you are in deep trouble.

3. Education/Skills

Education has already evolved from the beginning of human history. It is now considered as primary needs just as important as food and shelter. It doesn't have to be a formal education with a degree all the time. Computer courses, culinary skills, auto repair, to the most sophisticated quantum physics engineer. In this life, you must have something that you are doing very good.

Education/skills has a linear correlation (although not perfectly) towards value creation. Everybody's success is the fruit of the value they created.

4. Character

Characted is something that fuels our way of speaking and behaving. This is something that we believe and hold on to. This is, in another word, values. Something good we believe in, that won't fade under any circumstances. Skills without character will be irresponsible, while character without skill is ineffective.

5. Network
It is not just in the world wide web that network means anything. In real life, we are all connected. And to connect with other, a set of skills are needed. If you are an extrovert, then you are lucky because you don't close yourself from the world. Network, however intangible, yet very valuable in life.

One just won't make it without other people. So focus on creating enough quality network. It pays off!

6. Self Purpose

I have already written about this and still is very important for me to elaborate once more that self purpose is something we all must have. Otherwise, we are wasting our life.

7. Money
Yeah, money can't buy everything, but everything needs money :)
I'm going to be very realistic about this. Money is very important, otherwise people won't need to look for it every single day. At the age of 40-50 years old, we must already have a substantial amount of money for us to maintain our bills. So save early, don't waste what you have from your labor too easy. Be frugal!

8. Sense of Humour
Gotta tell you that if you are going to cultivate networking (point 5) in your life, then you must have the ability to keep people getting back to you. One of the most powerful magnetic field is sense of humour.

Play a good humour without offending others and you will in no time find yourself having more friends than ever. Make fun of yourself rather than make fun of others, people find it attractive if we are open about ourselves.

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